Separate names with a comma.
maybe peoples ability to not clutter everyone on 1 spot needs to be addressed.. i dont seem to have any problems. so maybe its just bad players
the only thing wrong with this game is bugs. everything is fine. gamers in 2011 are whiney little girls who are used to games playing them selves...
there is an entire thread devoted to this..and this isnt it.
i hope they are adding a ton of content because after waiting this long people are gonna be pissed if its a short game.
lol ive found this bug too im working on reproducing.
ok im not trying to troll here but can someone PLEASE explain to me why everyone wants such a rediculously easy way to play a game based on...
the whole point is you can double up if you want....its called strategy
auto save for an arena? Lol
if were lucky the game MIGHT be released the day before armageddon.
i did start another thread.. hence why im NOT posting on this thread.. and ive had the game for a very long time. as i said i transfered it...
you know theres an entire thread devoted to game play tips.
honestly at this point ive stopped reading anything about this game and unsubscribed to the cryptic bs. it was awesome and cute a year ago. now...
Teh_Ninja: Necromancer class: He could summon demons or something. he could summon demons..or something. thank god you arent on the design team...
.. this is why you dont announce a game so long before its ready. people get pissed off.. what developers dont think about is SOME people...
so apparently you didnt read it and just copied it and made your reply. excellent.
so.. touch and drag isnt easy enough, you need something else?
my 2 cents. OK here is my Likes and dislikes, 1 i dislike coming here for information about the productivity of the game and seeing battle...
... why would they be higher level.. they are in town waiting for you doing nothing. why does everyone want the game to play itself. if you want...
all of the above.. i wanna see a Promotion class. wizard - Arch mage. Barbarian - Berserker Warrior - Warlord or something etc..