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I've decided to start a new game. If anyone needs friends, my new username is "Moonbathing".
I just got done playing Swordigo today and I must say it was one of the best games I've played in a long time (and that includes console games)....
I am stuck in the next to last room in the Frozen Temple and I can't find the key to get to the final boss. Can anyone help me?
I am in the Chamber of the Mageblade. I've tried magic, but I run out too fast. Here is a picture of the boss: [IMG]
So anyone have any tips/strategies on how to beat the boss I asked about a page or so back?
Hey all. I am stuck on a boss fight. It's against a giant guy with horns. He takes 3 steps and then pounds the ground with is hands and then...
I had to start a new game so please add/re-add me. My original account name was GAMESHARQ, but my city got glitched, so I decided to start a...
I've seen some people say that the ads in Dead Space for iPad are so bad that the game is unplayable. Is this true? I was considering getting it.
I'm looking for a casino game that has a wide range of games to play, such as slots, keno, poker, etc. I have an ipad 2 so I'm also looking for...
Is it the same for the iphone and the ipad versions?
I was thinking of getting this game, but I've read that the controls are really bad and that there is one part of the game that is impossible to...
Yea, the tasks and quests have to be done in order, so if you haven't done the other quests yet, the one to unlock Bart won't appear yet.
You need enough money saved up to build the building first. Otherwise, the task won't appear.
Can anyone help me with a couple of questions please? 1. Is there any way to rotate the camera angle/view of my Springfield? 2. I am trying to...
If anyone is still looking for friends, please feel free to add me. GAMESHARQ
Is it still worth getting even if I don't plan on playing multiplayer modes? This game was released in November 2009 for free. It remained free until November of 2011, at which...