Separate names with a comma.
To me it's like this game took the Frogger concept and amped it up x 100. It is repetitive in that you're always trying to avoid vehicles/trains,...
I like this idea. My high score is 346 and everytime I get close I get all nervous and my fingers don't fing. I did just unlock the unicorn tho,...
I had that happen, but when I reopened I had a new character. It probably still counted you just got a duplicate I'd guess.
Ya I havent got ads for awhile (can't believe I'm disappointed about this lol) NM they are up again, just had a long stretch without any
Got into the low 300s last night. I love the randomness of the game. I thought I was going to beat my record just now then stumbled upon a set...
Klicktock- if you are looking for ideas for more characters I'd suggest mouse, squirrel, bear (different kinds of bears koala, panda black bear),...
I purchased the Epoch character to support the devs. He's pretty cool :cool: [SPOILER]
I requested you (if your name on GC is the same as on here). Mine's just Studepaber.
I've been playing this a bit today, pretty neat game but dang this one's difficult (haven't even made it past 30 yet :eek:). I recommend though...
I'm using Crazy Ol' Ben, he's nuts lol. I need more friends to compare runs with though, please add me on GameCenter, my name is Studepaber...
I'm sort of with you on the character unlock effects, let's use spoiler bars! As to my post about Frankenstein [SPOILER]
This is my personal game of the week (and there were a ton of great games this week). I was hooked on Frogger as a kid (like George...
This post cracked me up and ya I agree what's up with no universal?? :confused: Ah well still buying in a heartbeat.
Oh look another game I'm gonna download tonight/early tomorrow! Seems like this will be one of those "just one more try" games that are tough to...
What he said :)
This looks awesome :). I love the Frogger vibe and the amount of unlockable characters. Will download ASAP!
Looks pretty good and it's free, so might as well try tonight :)
This sort of reminds me of the hungry shark games, minus the gore, but with better controls and graphics. I'll bite and will download tonight :)
It looks fun to me. Since I play in spurts the timer wont be an issue and ads are no biggie as long as you can close them. Downloading tonight!
I loved the last 2 Mikey's and spent an incredible amount of time with both. It's a no-brainer for me :D