Separate names with a comma.
Am I seeing this right? I can play as Chucky, not some knockoff lookalike, but the Chucky from Child's a MOBA. That's amazing. Whoever...
Seriously I wish I could get that for my 6s+. Shame it went away with a lot of great premium games of the past.
Oh sweet! Collectable cards! I can't wait to open up an infinite amount of RNG crates for stat manipulating cards that should have eff all to do...
While I don't think it's on iOS, I would highly recommend The Cat Lady. Tormentum and Year Walk which are both on iOS would also be good.
Everything you said about Kestrel is true. And while my opinion might not mean much being new to Vainglory, I've touched virtually every pc moba...
I just started playing the other day, and I have to say that after battle royaling my way through every champ and spamming standard queue with the...
Holy shit. This is my absolute favorite shmup of all time. Shoutouts to the known suspects like Ikaruga, G-Darius, Gradius V, Radiant Silvergun...
Ah...but is auto-battling every match truly playing a game straight for hours? We have officially entered end game. Where the video games play...
I actually agree with this...There's a lot of talking up how beautiful this game looks on mobile devices, but on the 6s+ the graphics are so muddy...
This is one of the most soul crushing and saddest releases for me as a big fan of the series. Why do this to the Katamari license? Please use...
I'm not being down on anime aesthetic as a whole(Perfect Blue is one of the best anythings of all time, and ditto for the manga BLAME!), but it...
It is crazy talk, but obviously any fan of Hearthstone should check this out since the mechanics are so similar, just under different names. The...
I love love the original as a kid. I actually traded it in to Electronics Boutique when I was probably twelve along with Final Fantasy Legends 1...
Aaah I see. So the VIP requirement from Bang through Hazama is strictly for gem purchases only? But even then, everything I said still stands as...
No no, the 11 dollar IAP exists because the daily gems you get from it don't count towards the VIP count, and you CAN'T unlock everybody with that...
I also have Noel and am at the third part of the campaign. Ragnar, Noel, and I believe Tager are the only characters you can unlock without paying...
Well I hope you pretty much only like playing as Ragna, because almost all of the characters require various levels of VIP status(the more in game...
Dear god, this has got to be the most mind numbingly convoluted freemium system I have ever ran into in the entire history of mobile gaming. It...
Please, god, somebody tell me if Carl is in this game or not
The best LucasArts game of all time! Listen to that soundtrack. Robert Patrick's incredible voice acting as the main character. Just epic in every...