Separate names with a comma.
You should like to read it because it proves that the people bending over and telling everybody to just take it are the ones that need to shut up....
You do realize that instead of letting people air their fair opinions and grievances as consumers on a public forum, you're the reason why they...
Very excellent post shining jade. Thank you for the heads up and detailed breakdown.
I feel like I made that post over a year ago, but what's crazy is that it is not an exaggeration whatsoever. Everything that I listed is what is...
That is the single greatest app icon I have ever seen. And I've been around my friend.
Wait, the game warned me that changing my Nintendo account's region would unlink it from my Nintendo ID(your switch/3DS account), so I didn't mess...
Default controls are the same tap to move\double tap to run and gestures for fine tuning as in The Witness. It also has the option for the tried...
If you slide your finger from the left hand side of the screen towards the middle the menu will slide out
You can't possibly go wrong for two bucks here if you are a fan of survival horror in the slightest. Check out Igor's Paranormal Territory games...
Says it does right in the description. Have at my friend, five dollars is an insane value for such an incredible game with this much content and...
This. Kudos to the developer for being swift about personally extending a hand to this guy right in the thread. These bugs happen all the time...
This is one of the greatest puzzle games I have ever played along with The Witness, both of which just gave the app store the double whammy. I...
I'm a sucker for AR, so I took the plunge and updated. Now for those of you holding out, if you planned on playing this app on your phone or...
Thank you. As a longtime Starcraft fan I'll have to pull the trigger then. I just hope I'm not being mislead. Still disappointed in the heroes...
I mean, do any of us actually know this for sure? Has anybody here actually beaten this game without using any premium heroes or IAPs and spamming...
It's amazing just how many freemium mechanics you can stack onto such a simple joyous gameplay element from 30 years ago. It's weighed down with...
This looks amazing. I just don't have the space at the moment to try it, but it's on the list for sure. Just gotta wrap up a couple single player...
This just took me back. Like almost all the way back. Really miss those days in the app store scene and the TA community.
Yeah, this one didn't last two full days for me. A screen full of a hundred heroes to level up is already one of the biggest turnoffs for me in...