Separate names with a comma.
If you look vey very Carefully, when moving, the character sometimes moves off centre the tile. Meaning he supposed to be walking/ standing in the...
Oh I just replayed fairy. Got to guy in bubble again. Yes I can't target those four acolytes directly. But I won anyway haha ready this time with...
Also bug regarding the kitty statue that follows you around. Wands don't deal damage to it anymore (supposed to be magical?) Btw anyone killed...
Okay I just realized what is the problem. When I used my spell book I uped second chance for fairy. And then I just closed it and when I checked...
Oooo you're on the board! Yay! If it helps I was using fairy. And no it wasn't hiding by buttons or anything, it wasn't highlighted. Tried...
How do u get past the guy boss in the bubble. I know I'm somehow supposed to kill those four apprentices but I cannot target them. I can't cast...
If it's a very very good book, that made me lose my house, dog and most importantly my fav toaster I'd sue em too
Dear epic games. Please take note that I'm suing u for everything u got. I bumped into this thread and downloaded epic citadel Which blew my...
Awesome. But I still think looking at the monster, and maybe clicking him to show the flavour text would be cool. That way I won't treat it as...
Oh also on flavor text, maybe u can add a see look option? That way if I look at a tile a monster is occupying (ie look at the monster) I get to...
Damn. Time to try to head deeper into the dungeon to see those awesome features. Lol means right now I'm pretty noob if I haven't seen em, I...
Also besides items with pluses, are there special items? Like a random name generated item that grants additional bonuses? Like 20% chance to slow...
Lol it was either that or two dice roll times 4, which wouldn't make sense dealing so much when I start with such low life. Also, how about...
Hmmm no way I can remember those damage stats. And yes I do lurk at your forums. Damage stats on weapons would be great, especially for all the...
Is it posibble to have like, damage guide in the menu? Like if I find a new weapon, how do I know which is better? Assuming I've identified em both.
Ice Mage with lvl 1 whirlwind = archers can't touch me!!! Love the ice Mage, by far my fav character even with the unlocked mages. Ice...