Separate names with a comma.
Dear Ryan. Just crashed again and I think it has to do with multitasking. If I minimize game to SMS, receive a call, and get back to it, the game...
Additionally I'm told to kill the lvl 1 boss and bring back his head. Before I got the mission I'd already killed him an his head is in my...
I finally caved in and bought the collector's edition, and the game has so far crashed on my in the middle of battle level 1, 3 times for no...
My concern is cOnnecting via wifi-Internet. Also skill balances. I remember dungeon hunter 2 I dropped it due to over powered normal attacks...
Any idea if game can play on 3G? All gameloft games need wifi which defeats the "portable gaming". If I'm gonna play at home I won't play on my...
Well none of the gameloft Rpg title has made me stay. I consider all of em flops somehow :/ I hope they dont screw this up lol
Cool lol me and a few high lvel players from World of Magic are switching over hoping to create an elite guild asap
Question: open world or more like pocket legends?
So I just bought the game. And the "how to play" and movie reel icon does nothing when I press it. What do?
Disregard this message lol
It crashes randomly on iPhone 4, 4.2 os. It hurts when I'm almost killing that spider boss :(
No answer? Do I join people that only I know (friends) or is there an option to view the list of games (even strangers) that I can join? (think...
Question: can I connect to any random stranger I see or do I Have to have an actual friend list in gamecentre?
..... Look I can post cryptic dot dot dots as well! :)
Btw Wes the loading game flavor text are.... Sorta lame. Some of em. Should have more cool stuff like "have you seen the skellyman ninja?...
Yay I can finally play! So Friggin awesome! I'm like some ninja with skelly man. Smoke bomb jump Jump jump jump smoke bomb.
I found it amusing that there is a request for a warning "may die of hunger". What next? A clause in mc Donald and kfc? Warning will make u fat...
I loled at "hunger = bad game". I loled hard. Wes what's taking apple so long to approve the smoke bomb bug update? Usually pretty fast no?
Worth buy. I say buy now but don't play yet , wait for apple To approve update then u can properly enjoy it.