Separate names with a comma.
In Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright what are the three IAP's? I mean shouldn't there be only one? Sorry I'm new to this?
Thinking of getting it. It gives me a Bastion Vibe. Don't know why.
When I saw a new post I thought he was announcing something. But I have been following on Facebook. A lot of stuff there.
Have you watched Ushio and Tora? I'm also watching Gintama. I think I'm around 200.
Are you new to amines?
Reviewed as VileThorns in U.S. App Store. Thanks for the contest.
Reviewed as VileThorns on the U.S. App Store.
Same here. It's a lot of fun to play multiplayer games with your friends. You don't have to manage too much devices as well. We usually play...
Yeah for the past 6 months that's my story.
Anybody know when do Greenman Gaming change there VIP bundles?
Thanks a lot!
I just went to buy Dark Souls on Greenman gaming and they are out of stock. Any idea when they stock up? I mean how much long does it take?
I have it on PC. I even have it installed but haven't got any time to sit down and play lately.
I'm still on the fence. I want to buy it so bad but have like ton of backlog and also playing Don't Starve this week so not sure to jump. Just...
I have played the beta and believe me the controls will take you a lot of time to getting used to.
Dues Ex Human Revelation Director's Cut is on sale for 3.99$.
Does anybody have steam games up for trade?
Am I too late? I would love a code.
The strange thing is Mad Max and MGSV came almost together, there is no offer for MGSV but you can find a lot of discounts on Mad Max.
Has anybody played Mad Max? I found this site G2A and they are offering it for 19.11$. I think the site is legit. Anyone used it before?