Separate names with a comma.
Fun fact: Suicide rate at Foxconn is 10 times lower than the suicide rate for the rest of China.
I think it is fine damage-wise but it should provide a passive buff to turrets as well. It does do fairly good damage, the problem is that Termite...
iCab mobile supposedly but I haven't tried it. You could also use Imgurfree to upload a pic then copy and paste the link into Safari.
Depending on what you upgrade, she can almost fit the shoes of either... And if you power her to the max, at level 20, with Fencing Mask, Extra...
To elaborate on an idea from Oxy, I think there should be an ability that has only a passive role and no active one; once his health gets to one,...
Good luck with the website. All of the Bug Heroes guide released under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Will add to the website shortly.
No hero is perfect. I've found that Worm+Ladybug+support hero is a very powerful combo, and can clear crowds, tank, or fight individual bugs. As I...
You'll need access to your friend's computer and his iPhone. 1. Backup his iPhone using iTunes. Make sure the "encrypt iTunes backups" checkbox...
When you delete a game, you lose all the progress as well. If you get a new device, you can backup all your game saves and settings unto iTunes...
1. Yes 2. Yes. 3. Appbackup does not run in the background. It is one of the only jailbreak apps not to do so. It should only use RAM when...
Doodle dee, Doodle doo... [IMG]
Yes. You're not using iCab Mobile :P Seriously. It has more options than the settings application. It's based off webkit so it's just as fast...
Dear god. Is this thread still going?
Disagree. Assassin Cut and Assassin Bomb do provide monstrous power, but they are hard to use in most situations. I find that most of ladybug's...
Alright, I have had some success with ladybug+worm+support hero. Ladybug isn't isn't strong as the other heroes, and definitely needs a buff, but... Back when they still reviewed games;(
'Twas born the same day I made this account.
I agree with absolutely everything you said. I was just preparing people for the fact, because it seems to come as a surprise for every game.
Sorry. I recently started playing Minecraft and as a student, I have to study for finals. I just don't have enough time to max out each hero and...
Could be the answer: