Separate names with a comma. To get an overview of all the cards see that. In the help section, which btw can be accessed during...
small lose troops if your army camps are destroyed...irregardless if your barracks are destroyed. I got this game going on...
Better than promising to make it universal like Kingsburg app did and never did two years later. But yeah.....not sure what I'll do but...
play on ipad... The Tribez HD Clash of Clans all the rest blow for various reasons...mostly they are obvious money sucking. One's I...
sounds like this and thunderstone are dead on arrival. Too bad.
Also for those who don't know this is universal. Play this on ipad 3 looks great. Perhaps title of thread should be updated to indicate so if not...
You can't command them but you can choose which units to deploy and where. The 500 exilir guys the Giants it says in INFO that their FAVORITE...
This game is pretty decent. I've tried out a ton of freeium (free to play) pay IAP games recently and only this one and The Tribez have kept me...
Is being submitted today to U.S. appstore. So what's the wait time nowadays 7 to 13 yeah sometime this month should see it. Can't wait.
Still not out yet...false alarm.
Two Worlds II Castle Defense HD (love the healers and mages) The Tribez HD (just started this last month and play daily)
Yea played Anno 1503 on Nintendo DS was pretty good. Here's hoping this game can deliver.
yes definitely intrigued by this one. Reminds me at least the graphics do of an old xbox game but that was semi real time but now I much prefer...
Definitely on my radar.
I believe this game will come out before I die.
Well it looks really clear to me. I used the free AppZap HD app on ipad and in settings changed country appstore to Russia then searched for...
Thanks to tip for BGG iOS news this was released July 7th, 2012 as Spectromancer HD for iPad for $3.99 only in Russian app store though. I...
Spectromancer card game announced in April 2012 they were developing an iOS version. The iphone beta was released beginning of May 2012 and ipad...
I read through the English PDF rules and kinda get the gist of it. Kinda like Clue find out who is the thief. Also like that 1980 game Stop...
Graphics are great now FINALLY .....this game is NOW playable. Thought they'd never get a clue but they actually listened to the complaints. I...