Separate names with a comma.
So looking foward to this :)!!
Makers of machinarium .. Im in !! Have it for pc already
Ty :))
Im in the woods and till now i havent found one secret even though there are 7 in the woods :-/
Where is the secret in the first stage? Is there a guide in the internet about the secrets?
ANPNY94NWX9T Thanks ! :)
Nice! I was looking foward 2 this
And how did u get a "-"?
How can i shoot 0 points per round?
Sry fouble post
How did u manage do this?
Nah i thought 11 ;-)
Is this game only for kids or qould i (24) enjoy this also?
This is a cool game, does anybody play this?
Is there a guide in the internet for how to find al hidden weapons and armours?
Is it possible? I tried a frw things like delte the game from game center , new instalation... Nothing worked Pls help
Thank you :)) perfect Im still in world 1 and its really great ! My friends bought it and its awesome for them!!
How many game types are there? 34??
This game is ao frikkin good ! Thank you devs!!!
;-/ sorry 2 hear :-/