Separate names with a comma.
If you want to see more than 5 minutes of gameplay... I accidentally realized a little after I stopped recording that I could shoot the bombs...
Fantastic game that everyone should play. And if you want to see it in action, this is my first experience with it, so there's no rushing through...
I can appreciate that. I hated Yankai's Peak, as much as I wanted to like it. For me, the fun lies somewhere between this game and that one. But...
That was based on the fact that they had sworn several times they were done making MV and my own disappointment with the puzzles here. It was one...
Look, it's a gorgeous game. It's obvious a ton of love went into it. But it feels, puzzle-wise, like a huge step back from Forgotten Shores. I was...
Sadly, I feel the same. Also, maybe I'm imagining it but it feels...slower? Like, replaying any level feels slower than the original. Not...
I didn't time it, but probably? There is a really cool thing I noticed only after playing for a little bit. The shape you draw at the end of...
14 levels, but two of them don't count, so 12. Not very long, but they do introduce some new mechanics. Once again, wish it had been...
There's four levels where you're racing against the clock. This is the first one and easiest of the four: jWX-w23-UWs I still haven't beaten...
Ok so similar to Swarm. But using two spells of the same magic doesn't seem like a good plan... as is, I ran out of mats so often.
Is Anomaly Instant? I didn't want to level up Singularity (which isn't) just to find out.
Swarm is underrated. I leveled it up along with Sentinel and Banish and found an item or two with a chance of triggering Swarm when damaged. I'm...
Watch my video. It took me a while to realize how to do it also. The game doesn't teach you everything.
Honestly, I like the idea, but it's not hooking me like TRIANGLE. I feel like I'm battling the controls half the time (thankfully there's an undo...
The shop has a level, though. If you don't level it up alongside you, it will never have gear that's worth buying. So any gems I invested in my...
How did leveling up the shops work in the PC version? Because I stopped bothering. It costs way too many gems to keep the three shops at your level.
You have to level it up or it won't work on enemies that are the same level as you. And a few specific enemies (besides bosses) are immune to it....
How do you have room for all that, though? My biggest issue at the moment is space (and spell mats).
I use Banish, Swarm and Sentinel the most. I leveled them each up to 50+. I have Inferno as a sort of backup when I'm running low on other mats...