Separate names with a comma.
Happy to see a colorful new puzzle that isnt a free to play. Seems underpriced as usually. But still excited of course.
Yeah this will easily live on every device they publish on. The Morphite teasers on Twitter have to be the toughest thing to see and not hold yet.
Just submitted my first doc response. I’m at level 12-13 been doing a bit of grinding just to get beffed up a bit. It’s a fresh take on a classic...
Just received my invite. Super excited for this one. Especially after all the fun Ive had with Road Warriors! Thanks again for the invite Lucky...
I put this game on my Things app to buy as iOS 11 App Store doesn’t have a bookmarked or whatever it was called section. Eventually I will get...
Nice update guys! I was holding out to see if anything special came for beta testers that played the heck out of this.. and then I saw the new...
Looks like a heck of a lot of fun. Just applied. Thanks for inviting us! :D
I bought this a couple weeks back on Android and keep forgetting to try it. Going to play it now maybe drop some feedback.
Im all over this. Very cool. And if Noen liked it Im sure Ill love it too.
I’ll be happy to give this a try. Schumps are among some of my very favorite games. And control issues can be resolved I’m sure.
Oh wow! Double wow and a Big WHOA! :D
I love what Im seeing so far.
I almost bought this on Mac.. then Steam.. now it is mine on iPhone. Happy I had a little patience. Which is so rare for me. Sick game. And wicked...
Easily my first pick this week. I only had about $7 to spend and I already know Hoggy 2 is super tough. Eventually a few more treats will pop up....
This is right up my alley. Would love to see an option to remove ads for a fee of course. But for now its time to give this a spin!
Sweet I was just complaining that I havent seen many Pine games lately. I love these guys.
Looking hella fun! PM sent. Thanks in advance.
So excited about the last update on Steam and the newest on Steam via the beta. As well my kids love this game. One of my 11 year old twins beat...
This game is so fantastically addicting. Few beta's are this good. I haven't had anything great to say about changes needed. Because the game is...
Been playing for about an hour. Spending zero dollars on this. So far it's a pretty decent game. I prefer that traditional previous major Angry...