Separate names with a comma.
Just finished and I can't recommend this enough. Not a single bit of wasted time, this game is just a tight, concise, engaging experience that is...
I'm at the Red Wash after my little cable car ride right now and hooooooooooo boy this game is ticking all the boxes. Love it.
*starts wrestling HOLY SHIT chant* I was more than happy spending the $3 or $4 bucks I did on this, playing through its entirety and deleting it...
Oh, 10,000%. If anyone's expecting a game out of this, they'll be sorely disappointed, but right now, this is my happy place. I know I can jump in...
If you can see a greyed out cloud icon, it means the devs haven't updated their games to 64-bit and they're unfortunately inaccessible on your...
A little too "Hey, look, Slay the Spire!" for me. :p
Shout out to @agreen437 for hitting me up on the Discords otherwise I would've been super late to see this. First and foremost, production values...
Gotta say, any excitement I had died down almost as soon as I launched the game. :( Clipping through the environment when you open doors is NOT fun.
Yeah, everything I've read leads me to believe this is local-only multiplayer on two devices.
I think @Boardumb's theory of longing to play games of a certain genre when they're out of style is spot-on. I still haven't put down Blon when...
Thankfully no issues on a XS with iOS 15.0.1, but man, this is great. Love how the storytelling fleshes things out, and I'm definitely worried...
Thanks for TOFTT. I was eyeing this since AKD posted the thread and it’s a shame this is how it turned out. :/
It also feels incredible to play on mobile, unlike StS which is the picture next to the dictionary definition of "Port". I believe the Android...
OFF-TOPIC: Y'know what's hilarious? I said "all weekend" as if y'all weren't still having your weekends. Weekends here in Oman are on Friday and...
100% agreed. Know how I said I couldn't put down StS in favor of this earlier? I lied. I've been playing it all weekend.
Wait, how did this thread go from a lovefest, to conspiracy theories, and back to a lovefest? O_o
*two thumbs up*
Steer clear, my friend. If the strategy parts of Brutal Legend made you feel like you were betrayed, you're going to be similarly disappointed...
First area alone took 2 hours and 15 minutes for me on easy. I’d presume there’s at least 12-15 hours of content here.