Separate names with a comma.
Because, as far as the non-mobile game is concerned, it's an excellent blend of rogue-lite FPS fun that offers co-op gameplay. As far as the...
IAPs, for the most part, today, are shareable.
I felt your pain bro. No, but really...I haven't touched a single mobile game since Angry Birds was re-released. Literally nothing. Hell, I even...
Official TA release thread is HERE!
Nothing but respect for bringing the worldwide release date forward (back? I don't know!). Gotta admit, it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth...
I feel your pain, bruv.
My exact reaction. u wot m8
No IAPs are coming. Their exclusion is the entire point of this release. Please, absolutely no one here think the following is aimed at them. I...
I feel so sorry for Crush the Castle Legacy. Even after all these years, Angry Birds still hogs (get it!?) the spotlight. And for a good reason: A...
NICE! Released a couple of days earlier than expected, and the full game unlock is dirt cheap.
It's not as common as back in the day, but remember whenever there'd be a major iOS update and a chunk of your games would get borked until...
The absolute best model on the App Store is try-before-you-buy. Free with an IAP for a full unlock. 1) You actually get a taste for the game. 2)...
I'll send @Boardumb a message telling him to redact the article.
Glad I popped into this thread randomly, but really, I would've purchased it either way. Exactly what I've been looking for and 100% agree with...
I was 110% planing on mentioning how genius that was, but I guess I forgot!
Seriously. My only problem with DoD is that it’s so good, I’m already replaying the whole thing. My plan to come back to it every year or so is...
Until it inevitably breaks and Square Enix cba to update it. :o is basically an alternative to Steam. Whereas Steam games (for the most part) have DRM (y'know...they have to be tied to your Steam...
I'll be completely honest and say it's made me somewhat regret my decision to go all in on GOG as far as PC gaming goes. No turning back now...