Separate names with a comma.
Thank you for everything! I agree the Discord is a great place and I would love if the community could flourish there, so TouchArcade will never...
Oh wow I had a very similar experience minus being able to hit flush 14. You probably made it much further than me. I think I've only hit as far...
I'm hooked on Balatro. And I absolutely haven't won a single game :rolleyes: This is gonna be one of those games where I enjoy it but I suck at...
Ah it's a bummer this game auto-starts with the orientation on the opposite side (bottom of the screen is to the right of the phone). It always...
Oooo this could be good. Sword and Poker WAS one of my favorite card games of all time on iOS. I sunk so many happy hours into it. When it stopped...
I'm so excited! I just randomly looked at my recent apps and saw the game downloaded (preordered). This is my first time playing it so I'm hyped....
Ahhh I can't believe it. It's been so long and I never thought of being without TouchArcade. I commented constantly on the early days of the app...
I'm glad they offer it on both Apple Arcade and premium, so people in either camp can be happy. I actually have not played this game but have...
Yup, the dev quickly raised the iOS requirement to 16.5. He didn't even bother trying to find or fix the bug. He immediately did that once he saw...
The new app store update says they've made the enemies weaker. I wonder how much weaker they are. I haven't updated yet but I'm guessing the...
This is a really good game, maybe even better than the first game. I'm pretty hooked. I even bought the supporter pack within the first 5 minutes...
Whoa I LOVED the first one. I had no idea there's a new one. Definitely gonna have to give this a try. I also made the first one premium as well...
I finally got around to emailing the devs. I wrote to the devs about how I wanted on option to disable swipe pathing for towers because they...
I've been so hyped for this game I had it pre-ordered and kept checking to see if the game released every few hours. I was not disappointed. I've...
Woohoo I finally got it!!! :p Is this confirmed legit by the original creator? I'm always afraid these are scams since this seems too good to be...
Yeah I used to check this forum every day but I rarely see good iOS games lately :\ The mobile gaming landscape the past many years is mostly f2p...
Aww man I missed it... Just a couple days late. I've been looking for a gba emulator for many years :( I'm actually pretty upset right now for...
Man I have been so excited for this game to release for a long time. I am 100% buying it... but I need to clean up a lot of space. So sadly I...
Whoa HE2 got a surprise update. It says they added a food consumption system, color schemes for hero outfits, added accessories, adjust monster...
I got quite excited for this but this seems to be an online-only game? I read the reviews and a huge amount are complaints about their gameplay...