Separate names with a comma.
Big monsters? Clearly a dragon is required Not quite the same but would be great to see Chaos dwarfs and then any of their machine weaponry -...
Wondering if anyone had seen any more news on the new Oceanhorn? The last video looked fantastic and it would be interesting to hear if there had...
Well id tried to sign up a few times but it never says anything like "submission" accepted when i click submit, either its not working for me or...
The video is excellent, as well as the graphics it does seem like the AI is making an attempt to flank you to begin with when you engage with the...
Is there any update on the multiplayer part of the game or are you still focused on the Single Player aspect? If still just SP then is it perhaps...
I dipped in and out of the twitch stream, looking forward to Alexander release as well. An installed GRID app, you tease!
Ok, next question HOW DO I SIGN UP FOR THE BETA???
Questions, ok - Is it out yet? :) Ok a proper question, is there any scaling of the graphics per device? I.e. will you be able to see an...
Totally agree with all your comments, but interesting that I come to a different conclusion - there are the drawbacks that there are for using...
Well if its for more game development then that's no bad thing, with the Rome:Total war expansions and GRID coming you're up to some good stuff at...
Agree - the ipad can run rings around the switch in terms of battery life so theres not really any reason why high quality graphics wouldn't work...
Any more updates on the project?
Brit here - we usually see new apps pop up on thursday, plus the developer (who is also a brit) said the 13th so expecting this to drop tomorrow