Separate names with a comma.
Yes, I tried that with no much of a success, I think she have 5 or 6 Legendary who deal massive damage to all my monsters, killing them with a...
The second fight from the last four is insane! I have not close to zero but zero chances to hold the fight enough to stand a chance - I even don't...
This game is incredible. Unfortunately is very short, you don't have to cover a very large area so it's pretty easy to connect all the pieces...
Omegawyrm have active skills: Gigalux, Poison Touch, Poison Eater - I never tried Omegawing as none of my friends haven't shared it. Poison Eater...
Question: When PvP will arrive, with chances to get another Legendary (without spending for lots of eggs) being close to zero, the online battles...
No need to be sarcastic of course I was talking about myself. It's a bit sad to realize you can't say anything against a game if you don't agree...
I think this is one of the most ridiculous ideas I've ever heard on Touch Arcade Forums. What gives you the right to weight my time in the money I...
There is a big paywall in the way of having great monsters in our team. With 4 you have a chance to get one, but you cannot be 100% sure to...
This is the most frustrating experience I had ever had for 10. Like all free to play games it kept drag me back, I had the same feelings while...
I have one legendary, fully upgraded (without ultra-evolution), the cost is 8
Sorry, unfair comment wrote when I was really frustrated. Deleted
This game looks wonderful. One of the games of the year for me for sure Please no more spoilers, some of us are playing this game for the...
I'm enjoying it so far but it have an option to purchase gems for 50 so I don't know how fair will be in the later stages:/ I guess this will...
This game is broken for me in iOS 9.02. As soon as Kate talk with the priest it crashes, sometime right after, sometime in the middle of the...
WOW, unexpected and amazing game!
Great game but is crashing a lot on my iPad Air iOS 8.4 (almost every time i want to watch a commercial and sometimes in the last stage of a level)
For me this was fun game at times but very frustrating. I still have to beat the final level which is insane. I think overall is a well worth 5 game.
WoW! This is one star game based on TA users vote and 3th in Hot New Games. I need to download it to see why is so bad with my own eyes lol.
100% agree Edit - A lot of loading times in main menu plus a few crashes in 30 minutes while playing (trying to play) multiplayer matches....