Separate names with a comma.
+1 for tvOS support :)
Bought :) I hope this gets Apple TV support too!
How do you increase the max export limit on goods? I have a quest to export $300 per second but can’t raise the max cap past 150, I have loads of...
This looks amazing.. I'm hoping TA does a full review? This looks a lot like Sim City 2000 style gameplay... is that what's on offer?
whoop! This would be amazing on apple tv!
Ah wait.. we’re all the default mappings messed up so you had to reassign them? I had the same issue!
Ah it's a problem with the iOS/tvOS version I think...
Has anyone managed to successfully play this on Apple TV? How did you do it? Controller support is just so broken :(
Hopefully iOS will get updated to support controllers too!
Oh wow, ok now Im even more confused haha! But is it true that none of the games have any mining or trading or exploring elements like gof 2?
Oh sorry! I hadnt seen the new game! Kinda sucks you have to buy it as a separate app to the iOS version, do you know if saves transfer?
Its got the same name, but its a very different game. The Apple TV version was more like a demo of the game engine. Still fun but very different.
Yeah Id like to know how it compares to the switch version? Also does it unlock controller support? Seems like they still dont work in the f2p...
Yeah Ive found endurance and open wheel super hard compared to the others, Ive had to drop the difficulty settings for these championships!
Has anyone got this yet? How does the premium game differ from the free version? Is it free exploring like gof 2? Or still mostly menu driven?...
so Tobi... any news? ;)
Nearly 40k votes but the thread only has 2k views... its almost as if some of those votes were fake... but a big f2p mobile company would never...
Awww :( Graphics look slick though!
... the suspense....