Separate names with a comma.
Thanks, xjaff! Great score, by the way. I'm slowly but surely improving--my goal at this point is to get an artifact. That'll feel like major...
So does the game end at 50 games? I noticed the highest of high scores are all listed as having been achieved in 50 games. Just curious, since I'm...
Must-read for Desert Golfing enthusiasts like myself, though be aware that it removes the mystery/uncertainty around the game's ending:...
I reinstalled the game and realized that I kept starting games with the tutorial, which accounted for my score not showing up. In other words, I...
Weird. I do see you on my friends leaderboard, xjaff, but can't seem to get the game to register me/my scores. Hmm.
Hey LG, can you see my name on the friends leaderboard? I can see my friends' scores but not my own. Wondering if it's an iOS 10 thing or what....
My scores don't seem to be registering. I can see the global scores and my friends (slamraman and Lord Gek) but not my own. Anyone else...
Disregard the above. Received a reply from awesome developer explaining the control changes. He will probably tweak them for new update, at least...
The controls seem a little off to me since the update. I'm golfing on a 6+ running iOS 10.3.3. There now seems to be a subtle but definite lag to...
Right back at you, slam! The game is procedurally generated, I think. After Hole 2000, people get different holes in a different order than other...
Update is live!
Awesome! Really happy about the impossible holes update, as well. I'm at around Hole 3800 after restarting from Hole 15-thousand something that I...
Another sharper from one of my favorite game designers. Though I know there have already been a few updates, I do have one suggestion/request: a...
New Zach Gage game! Can't wait to play this over the next couple days.
iPhone X update for this essential shmup.
Yeah, finally beat it myself with AKA. Can't imagine playing the game (well) without auto bomb.
Has anyone beaten this yet? I finally made it to the second half of the final boss on Stage 5, where he's shooting huge fireballs at you, but...
One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is the difference between the two character's bombs. AKA guy's bomb seems to shoot straight up and is...
UPDATE: Good news/bad news. After following syntheticvoid's advice and then restarting the phone, the blasted red icon disappeared over the...