Separate names with a comma.
I think it's just human nature to believe you'll be one of the lucky ones - if gambling and lotteries are any indication ;) There's also a shit...
Including yesterday's 2 sales: Silverfish: 10,381 Silverfish MAX: 4,237 (Thank you, Apple feature) The leaderboards are not shared between...
Silverfish first shipped with 3 modes back in 2010 and I had plans to add another 3 (or more) modes in updates depending on how well it was...
YES. Each texture is scaled using a filter appropriate for that art - keeping sharp stuff sharp and glowly stuff glowy :) Stopped by to note...
Here's an iOS version chart that's updated weekly: All armv7 devices can run at least 5.1.x so...
Not sure how many folks around here support iCade controllers but I've put together a PDF showing relative button mappings for every...
The new release lists have been useless for ages. They have fast turn over rates and if your app doesn't start with a number or the letter 'A'...
Well that's one way to win a cloning argument :D
I haven't (haven't played Pandemic either) but I've read reviews and seen videos of both... Inspiration, borrowed/mis-matched mechanics fine -...
I don't want to come across as too assholeish here, but it sounds like your business plan was "hire people to clone a popular flash game". This...
Well, I keep making games for one thing :D
Silverfish + Silverfish MAX sell 4-12 copies a week combined. Only game of mine that consistently sells a couple copies a day is Match Panic, but...
I'd say so. Actual reality: I have 6 apps on the store averaging $5 a day (total, not each). Granted, one of them is a useless freebie.
You have crash logs and contact info, why not just contact these devs yourself? You might be surprised how many "bad programmers" are willing to...
Patents aside, Apple should just ban this entire category of apps. Apps can't lock or unlock a device. Any "security" app that can be defeated by...
If you're targeting Android you pretty much need full time accounting staff (or use a publisher):...
Most of my data is a over a year old now but I saw my biggest sales boost after a TUAW post, with Touch Arcade reviews close behind. IGN was less...
Oh, sales still suck - worse than ever - I just got tired of complaining ;)
I don't think we're talking about is same thing here :confused: