Separate names with a comma.
Finally beat the 7 star urgent request ( Dual Monoblos ). It is very hard if you don't bring any sonic bombs. Pheww, after a long 66 hours, I...
Time to test my old iPhone 4 to the borderline!! I have done many attempts to kill my iPhone 4, like finishing the easy mode of XCOM Enemy...
So......what do I get? Is it a cookie?
LOL! What I'm trying to say is "I never used sonic bombs at the 2 Monoblos quest". Never used sonic bombs at Cephadrome, though. All it takes to...
Oh, I never used the sonic bomb. You just throw the sonic bomb at the Blos' face, right? Or is it that other bomb type? Also, thanks for the...
Hey guys, I need some help! Can anyone give me tips on the 7-star urgent request? I think it's called Secret Request : 2 Monoblos. This quest is...
Wow, I just found out that lances are very fun to use! Killing a Bulldrome in 4 minutes is an achievement for me.
Whoa, it appears that my luck is not doing a great job right now... By the way, how to empty the whole screen, so you can take screenshots...
Woohoo!! Just killed a Rathian with the Bone Katana Dragon! This marks the first time I ACTUALLY used an LS to kill an actual monster. I need 20...
Thanks for the post! I'll try to get some GS you mentioned in the post. Right now, I'll try to get the Tigrex GS. Oh, one more thing. You...
Wait, charged attacks doesn't multiply elemental damage?? You learn many new things everyday! :p Anyway, I know that raw GS is good for almost...
I have a question for GS veterans, what is the best thunder GS line? I currently have the Khezu Shock Blade ("Blade" is the high rank...
Thanks again for the info! Actually, the troublesome pair quest is quite comfortable with me, so I'll stick with that. I think I will verify that...
It's okay, I'll just farm the troublesome pair quest again next week :( .
Really? He meant that? I should study more in English to prevent such error. Thanks for the HR info.
"2 Colors of Meow"....What is the rank requirement? I'm still early HR 2. I can't check the quest requirement right now. Also, thanks for the...
I need 25.000z more before I can get my first "blue sharpness" GS. Anyone know an easy way to farm money? My best way is to farm the troublesome...
What, there are low rank Rajang? I've never seen one before. There is no Rajang quest in the low rank elder quests. Is it a guild quest?
"I hope you guys get to this point soon!" Based on my calculation, I will get to that point next year. And will succeed next 5 year. I hope I'm...
Okay, I'm going to farm the heck out of Azure Rathalos next week! Right now, I'm bored playing MHFU after getting owned by a high rank Congalala....