Separate names with a comma.
Please, can you give us more info about your device - iOS, if it is 3G version... Was mobile internet on, when it crashed? Or was device without...
You can also challange all your friends on facebook and we have build in chat, soo we are pretty sure u will find use for that one as well ;)
Thank you...
545 MB on device
Slovakia (Central Europe)
No pressure, but 5 stars will be more welcomed :)... Price, well, there are Xmas coming, we have tomorrow St. Nicholas in our country, so it is...
Sometimes there will be daily challenges with tail gunner in different mission, you will be notified via notifications when new daily challenge...
Well... No... Sorry :) We don't have environment, which you should bomb as axis...
Correct, internet connection is not required. Only during social interactions, like sending challenges, leader-boards and chat. And No IAPs...
Ingots (bricks) are rewards in daily/weekly challenges (for achieved score or leader-board position), then for completed Achievements and...
Well, they probably listen to you. Ready for sale... Thank you all for kind support. Enjoy AirAttack 2...
iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro have the same graphics quality (to keep it 60 FPS on Pro), but there is almost two times more pixels on big screen, so you...
We set graphics quality per device. There are no graphics options. We all here like to play it on iPad Pro...
Price will be no more than $2.99
Wallpapers (click to enlarge): iPhone, iPad .................... [IMG] [IMG] Desktop 16:9, iPhone Landscape [IMG] iPad Landscape [IMG]
Not yet... With becoming Xmas, "Waiting For Review" times could be longer...
Since AirAttack 1 was successful on big screens on Mac App Store, we are working also on Apple TV and controllers/MFi support...
Thank you all for your kind support... New screenshot - P-40 with chained Wingmen (click to enlarge) [IMG]