Separate names with a comma.
So can Rangers promote to Marksmen? It looks like there is conflicting info out there saying they can, or alternately, they can't because...
Should I be raising skills and spells with talent points generally after the initial training? They raise with use, but it seems to take forever....
Based on Volker's answers, I picked it up the other day. Am not disappointed, love that it is turn based with a suffix/prefix randomized loot...
Thx for the answers re: resurrection. So looking at the early TA review, it's mentioned that all ranged characters have a distinct advantage...
When party members die, can they be resurrected relatively easily?
Do you have patch notes for 1.3.1e so I can see what's coming? I don't suppose units show multiple figures for smaller creatures in the iOS...
Awesome news. Shame it won't make it in before App Store holiday shutdown.
With the original Demon's Rise, I felt like the environments were pretty constraining, i.e.: dungeon, dungeon, more dungeon. Such that it kind of...
That is fantastic news. Looking forward to picking up the universal version !
Yeah was just coming back to post that. Looks solid!
Whoaaaaaa. What is this?!??? A not-freemium SRPG a la FFT? Someone tofft and give impressions.
Was looking at this since on sale, but have a 7+ and see there are UI bugs with no timeline on fix? Meh. Is it unplayable?
That old thing??? Noooooo! Ice Cream Headache!!!! :)
Where is the expansion for mobile?!?! :)
For people who have played this through an NZ account or through beta: have the FTP timers or mechanics been adjusted to be more forgiving at all?...
Nice! Really enjoyed this rogue-like, looking forward to the DLC!
When you complete the daily gold challenge, how do you collect the gold? I clicked around but nothing seemed to "collect". Is it automatic when...
This looks amazing. Gameplay sort of like Baldur's Gate? But loot is Diablo random prefix suffix style?
This is just an amazing implementation of the card game. Guess I'm in at $24.99.
Awesome to see this on iPhone.