A while ago we launched a new way to support TouchArcade: The TouchArcade Patreon. Over there, you can help TouchArcade survive by tossing us a buck (or more) a month on a subscription basis to get a few different rewards. Some folks don’t like the idea of Patreon, or signing up for subscriptions, and often ask for other ways to help the site. Well, one of the easiest things you can do, which has absolutely no cost to you, is by shopping on Amazon using any link you find on TouchArcade.

Click here to shop on Amazon!
By default it’ll toss you into the deals of the day, but, once you’re there you can search for anything you’d normally buy on Amazon and you support TouchArcade by allowing us to get a tiny percentage of whatever you buy as a kickback from Amazon. At no cost to you, we get anywhere between 1% and 10% of your total Amazon purchase, varying wildly depending on what you buy with things like video games paying the least and things like home goods, furniture, pet products, and Amazon Pantry stuff paying the most.
This page has the easy to remember URL of toucharcade.com/amazon, so next time you’re going to buy something from Amazon, visit this page first, click through our link, and help support TouchArcade!