If you think Rovio Mobile is too busy with the construction of high-ceilinged bank vaults to bother with yet another seasonal update to Angry Birds Seasons [$.99 / HD / Free], you are wrong, sir. As indicated previously, the studio is poised to release an Easter update to Seasons, ushering in a total of 15 levels to the game in celebration of bunnies, colored eggs, and Jesus.
The update, which will arrive at some point next week according to Pocket Gamer, will also launch alongside an additional three levels for the Facebook version of the game, as if you didn’t already have enough Angry Birds variants to play. I guess I should mention here that price hasn’t been noted as of yet, but if the current Seasons update trend holds, this will be offered on the house for the App Store folk.

In other fun Angry Birds news, it was revealed today via a Rovio tweet that the studio is working “on a solution to get all Angry Birds devices in sync." Blame the Twitter limit for the lack of detail here, but I think this means that, at some point, we’ll be able to continue our game from the iPad version from our iPhone. The App Era reports that this will be released as a free update this summer, but we’re having trouble verifying that at the moment.
[Via Pocket Gamer, The App Era]