We’ve seen our fair share of cringe-worthy Gameloft clones over the years, but this one takes the cake. StarFront: Collision seems to be directly “inspired" by StarCraft, complete with Gameloft’s version of the Terran, Protoss, and Zerg. These three factions wage a war over Xenodium crystals on the planet Sinistral in realtime strategy battles that actually look pretty decent in the following gameplay trailer:
What’s definitely got my interest piqued is the inclusion of four player online multiplayer, which potentially could be loads of fun. I’m also curious how the game actually plays on the iPhone, as RTS games on the device all have fairly cluttered UI’s, and it seems like StarFront does as well. StarFront: Collision will be available this Thursday, and it will be interesting to see if Gameloft sticks to the Sacred Odyssey method of payment where the game is free with an IAP to unlock the rest of the game.
Also, according to the description of this trailer, StarFront is also only going to run on 3rd and 4th generation iPod touch and iPhone hardware. Is this the end of Gameloft supporting older devices?