Sure, there’s always a bunch of sales around notable holidays like Memorial Day. But the sales never truly stop. There’s a few particularly notable ones going on right now worth checking out. First up, eclectic game creator Kenny Sun has just released Yankai’s Peak ($3.99), itself on a 33% launch sale. But his previous iOS games are on sale, too, including Yankai’s Triangle ($2.99), Circa Infinity (Free), Circle Affinity (Free), and Spectrum by Kenny Sun ($0.99).
If you’re a Warhammer fan, or just like chess-inspired strategy games then good news: Warhammer 40,000: Regicide ($3.99) has just gotten its first sale since its release last year, down to $0.99. DISCOUNTS FOR THE DISCOUNT GOD!
Another first-time sale game is The Beggar’s Ride ($4.99). If Old Man’s Journey ($4.99) and Get Me Outta Here ($2.99) didn’t leave you with your fill of games starring old dudes, here’s another geezer game to enjoy:
Another first time sale worth checking out is After the End: Forsaken Destiny ($3.99). This 3D puzzle-adventure game is stylish and well worth checking out for a couple of bucks.
As Shaun mentioned earlier, RayForce ($6.99) is $4.99, down from $5.99 along with its maintenance update, in anticipation of the upcoming RayCrisis release. Here’s some other sales worthy of consideration:
- Don’t Run With a Plasma Sword (Free)
- Flamboygen ($1.99)
- Lost Portal CCG ($1.59)
- Tower of Fortune ($1.99)
- Ancient Legacy ($0.99)