I like the Honest Trailers guys because while they do make fun of movies, songs, and games, their points are usually very true. Such is the case with the Hearthstone (Free) Honest Trailer, which is pretty funny to all of us who play the game. Hearthstone, or “the Idiot’s Version of Magic the Gathering, is ripe for mocking both because it’s huge but also because of that three-letter acronym that everyone likes to talk about; RNG. The way the trailer describes the Hearthstone journey of the average person is quite accurate: you try to put together an amazing deck with your crappy early cards, you get smacked around repeatedly, and then you wise up and start netdecking. Haven’t we all gone through that process?
He then mocks the many streamers that have become famous both because of the way they play Hearthstone and also because of their quirky behaviors. The trailer goes over all the other lovely aspects of Hearthstone like emote spamming, people taking forever to play a single card, and, of course the whole RNG thing. I know this trailer’s been out for a bit, but it’s still both fun and relevant, which tells you something about the game’s evolution. We are still talking about the great effect RNG has on the game, about how expensive the game’s getting with all the new expansions, and, of course, Face Hunter. Enjoy.