
‘Bean Dreams’ Has Officially Doubled its Content in Latest Update

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It feels like Kumobius is updating their games on a bi-weekly basis now. Bean Dreams ($2.99) is the latest game to get an update, with 3 new worlds adding in 18 levels in total. The trampolines from Bean’s Quest ($2.99) are back, which bounce you up to the height you were at. Challenging stuff to play with. These levels are early on in the map, so you can play with it early on if you’ve just gotten the game. There are two other worlds added later on down the road: Fun Factory has switch locks with walls that are toggled by the locks. The last set of levels requires 200 stars, and is the Dungeon of Dreams, an all-encompassing test of skill for the Bean Dreams expert.

This update officially doubles the amount of content in Bean Dreams, as the game has gone from 48 levels at launch to 96 right now. And these are all in free updates, too! This is one of the better platformers that you can pick up on the App Store, and if you haven’t, then now’s a good time to do so.

  • Bean Dreams

    Get ready for the mobile platformer that literally plays like a dream. Bean Dreams is an action-packed platformer from …
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