We’re working on a bunch of awesome stuff to make the best iOS gaming forum in the world even better, and the first feature launched this afternoon: A fully responsive redesign of our forums. If you’re not hip to the whole responsive web design trend, what that means is our forums automagically lay themselves out differently depending on either the size of your browser window or the screen size of the device you’re viewing it on.
The idea behind all this is you get a much more consistent experience when browsing the forums regardless of whether you’re browsing on your laptop, your iPad, you iPhone, or even your internet-connected Android-powered smart refrigerator (which is a thing that exists, believe it or not). Additionally, along with this redesign we’ve gone ahead and enabled avatars for everyone. Go ahead and mash this link and set your avatar to whatever you want, just, please be good.
If you’ve got feedback for our new forum design, the place to post it is in this thread. Our developers are collecting any final launch day bugs and other kinks and working on them, so if you notice something weird, that’s the place to let us know.