In January of 2012, Crescent Moon Games released Paper Monsters (Free), a charming platformer that starred a blocky, cardboard hero. We liked it quite a bit. Fast forward a couple of years and a revamped version of the game called Paper Monsters Recut was released for Steam and Wii U last October, and now that revamped version is heading to iOS next month. Paper Monsters Recut features a visual overhaul that utilizes Apple’s Metal framework, which means it looks extra purdy. Check out the trailer for the Wii U and Steam version.
Along with the bump up in visuals, Paper Monsters Recut also features a retooled experience that includes a new interactive overworld, new features and secret areas added to existing worlds, brand new levels, new power-ups like a jetpack and a laser, and new mini-games. I really enjoyed the original Paper Monsters when it released three years ago, so I’m excited to check out this rebooted version when it comes to iOS at some point in February.