Agharta Studio’s interactive adventure 1112 Episode 01 [App Store] has just gone live on the App Store.
We previously highlighted this new game, which appears to be a very ambitious interactive adventure.
Take a journey to explore this intriguing mystery and discover the reasons behind his constant headaches and strange dreams. Meet a bunch of colorful characters, dive into bizarre situations until an unpredictable event occurs and turns everything upside down!
The game features hand drawn artwork for the scenes and hundreds of sound effects. Players can utilize the iPhone’s touch interface to interact with all visible objects (open, move, examine, etc…) and even multi-touch zoom and rotate certain 3D objects. The developer has been active in our forums and describes the game as installments of a TV show:
Think of it like a popular TV show instead (Lost for exemple) Each episode is a stand alone game starting with a “previously on 1112" and a recap of what happened Of course there will be improvement made in each episode (we already have tons of ideas) in the user interface of new way to do things…
An early gameplay video is provided, but the developer says a new and updated Trailer is in the works:
The game is on sale for an introductory price of $7.99 (normally $9.99).
App Store Link: 1112 Episode 01, $7.99