
Fill Your Boots With RPGs in Kemco’s End of Year 2023 Sale

TouchArcade Rating:

Okay, I’m sneaking in one more news story before the end of the year. A little something to offset all my Nintendo Switch articles, eh? Back in the old days, I was known around these parts as the world’s foremost Kemcologist. I’ve largely given up that title to the hungrier next generation, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still have my eye on the house that Famicom Dough Boy built. They’ve got a sale cooking on a whopping eleven mobile RPGs to celebrate the end of the year, and you can enjoy them whether you’re on iOS or Android.

This is actually a pretty solid sale, especially by the recent standards of Kemco. Some of the included games are as much as 87% off the usual price, making these convenience store cheeseburger RPGs a highly digestible value. I’ll list out the games below, and then swing back around with the ones I would recommend the most.

  • Alvastia Chronicles ($7.99) from $7.99
  • Alphadia Neo ($7.99) from $7.99
  • Asdivine Hearts ($7.99) from $7.99
  • Asdivine Hearts II ($7.99) from $7.99
  • Asdivine Kamura ($8.99) from $8.99
  • Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom ($7.99) from $7.99
  • Chroma Quaternion ($0.99) from $7.99
  • Crystal Ortha ($0.99) from $7.99
  • Heirs of the Kings ($1.99) from $7.99
  • Marenian Tavern Story ($7.99) from $8.99
  • Seek Hearts ($1.99) from $7.99

Now, as to my recommendations. Asdivine Hearts is my favorite of Kemco’s standard JRPGs, and it’s the one I usually recommend to people if they want a taste of what the publisher has to offer. Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom and Marenian Tavern Story are both interesting spins on the usual RPG format, having you manage a smithy and tavern respectively. Lots of gathering, crafting, and so on with that pair and they’re both rather well-done. And if you want one more somewhat traditional RPG with a slightly different flavor, Crystal Ortha is rather interesting.

With all that said, at these prices it’s almost worth picking them all up. Even if you don’t come close to finishing them, you’re almost certain to get your money’s worth out of it. And hey, it’s never too late in the year or too early in the next to start building up an impossible backlog. Thanks for the helping hand with all of that, Kemco!

  • [Premium] Alvastia Chronicles

    After encountering the man who killed their parents ten years prior, Elmia, a priestess; and Alan, her brother and prote…
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