
Celebrate the New ‘Detective Pikachu’ Movie in ‘Pokemon GO’ for a Limited Time with Various Bonuses and Rewards

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Pokemon GO (Free) events have been frequent enough to make people keep coming back to the game while still bringing in new players. Today, Pokemon GO gets a tie in event with the recently released or soon to be released (depending on your region) Detective Pikachu movie. This event will see various bonuses for trainers and the ability to earn exclusive rewards. Watch the event trailer below:

The event will see increased encounters with Pokemon from the movie. There is also a chance you might be photobombed by Pikachu in a detective hat. You will be able to catch said Pikachu as well in the off chance you get photobombed. Raid battles will see movie Pokemon appear as well. The event also has avatar items from the movie as shown in the trailer above. This event will begin on May 7th and go on until May 17th. Make sure to take part so you earn double XP for catching.

Now is a great time to get into (or back into) Pokemon GO with all the new social content, trainer battles, and more that have been added in addition to the content you can unlock in the Switch games through Pokemon GO. Head over to our forum thread for more discussion around Pokémon GO.

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