
New iPhone Games on Our Forums: Antihero, Shurado, Hex Commander: Fantasy Heroes, and a Few More

If you’re not celebrating Festival of Sleep Day by sleeping all day today, we’ve got a tiny haul of new games that have been released since the iTunes freeze ran out on the 27th. It’s still a short week for us in the US (and most of the world?) with New Years Day on Monday, so game releases have been a little strange. Hopefully things spool back up to the same overwhelming Wednesdays we’re used to soon. Antihero ($4.99) is probably the biggest game release this week, and we’ve already got a review up, so be sure to check that out.

Here’s the latest games to be posted to our forums following iTunes Connect thawing out on the 27th!

I’m not sure how super necessary it is to do the full roundup later this evening, unless some more surprises come along… So we’ll see how the day plays out.