Final Fantasy Dimensions II, the Japanese game titled Final Fantasy Legends II in Japan, is coming to our shores for iOS and Android November 1st, which I’m sure is good news for many of you. This new Final Fantasy game, woven in the expanse of time and space, as the tweet announcing the game tells us, is a rebirth of the series, but we don’t really have any details as to the form of this rebirth. We aren’t even sure about the monetization at this point; it could be free-to-play or it could be premium (based on the different monetization models of the Japanese versions). So, as you can tell, we don’t know much outside the game’s release date.
Are you excited to play another Final Fantasy game on your mobile? I know that this one isn’t the full-fledged game many people always ask for, but these kinds of social RPG games usually work well on the platform. Not long to go before we get our hands on it and see if it’s a fun one or not.