While the Futurama animated series may have come to a close in 2013, this doesn’t mean the end of Fry, Leela, Bender, and all of the other eccentric characters that have become cultural icons through the cartoon’s success and acclaim over the years. The App Store has already been blessed with the series in the form of Futurama: Game of Drones (Free), an interesting match-three puzzle title that launched in February 2016, and today Fox Interactive, TinyCO, and Jam City Company have announced Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow, a brand new entry in the franchise that is attempting to emulate the characteristic humor and narrative from the animated series.
Enjoy new adventures with the Planet Express crew in Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow! Coming soon to mobile! https://t.co/lHpw3aIlin pic.twitter.com/YQtwiRjCGl
— Futurama Game (@playfuturama) February 22, 2017
Although aren’t many specific details of what the gameplay of Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow entails, considering TinyCo have previously worked on Marvel Avengers Academy (Free) and Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff (Free), the most likely scenario is a similar game in this free-to-play, world building vein. The most intriguing part of the announcement is the involvement of the Futurama creator Matt Groening, the executive producer David X. Cohen, as well as Rough Draft Studios, who are the original animators of the cartoon. With such a strong involvement from people intrinsically linked to the series (in a similar manner to Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s hands on approach to the new South Park games), hopefully Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow manages to capture the comedy that made Futurama achieve such critical acclaim over the years. For now, be sure to keep an eye on our Upcoming Games forum for further news and updates about this latest Futurama mobile title.