Everyone’s (except for Brent) favorite Twitter account for rating some h*ckin’ good dogs, @dog_rates, has just launched a game featuring some real good doggos and puppers. Good Dogs! (Free) has you doing some endless running with dogs such as Dave Beagle, Arthur Corgicool, and Kenneth Labracadabrador. You have to dodge obstacles and people, tapping to hold and charge up your jump. When your run ends, @dog_rates will rate your dog on the patented scale out of 10. 10 is not the maximum, much to the chagrin of Bront.

There’s only 7 dogs (but they’re good dogs) and you unlock more dogs through Crossy Road (Free) style monetization. Duplicate dogs will upgrade your good dogs to become even better dogs. H*ck yeah. It’s certainly an amusing game based on an amusing Twitter account. And with dogs like Beneboop Cumbersplatch, this game delivers on its premise of good dogs. I can’t rate it three and a half stars, because I’m not the hated Brynt, and and I know what’s good for me. And what’s good is some good dogs in Good Dogs. Check it out on iOS and Android.