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‘Xenoraid’ Shmup from 10tons Hits the App Store on January 12th

10tons released the spectacular Neon Chrome ($6.99) in late 2016 on iOS, and they’re kicking 2017 off with another port to iOS, the space shooter Xenoraid, which will release on January 12th. This shmup will have you commanding a fleet of upgradeable ships that you can swap between in the heat of combat, as you blast through enemy waves and boss fights. A campaign mode will feature 40 levels that have dynamic enemy formations, so you have a rough idea of what to expect per level, but can’t memorize what’s going to happen. Plus, there’s three endless survival stages that you can play through.

10tons is doing something a bit different with Xenoraid‘s business model. The game will be free to download, with the first ten levels and an endless survival level for free, though some of these will require incentivized ads to unlock. But, there will be a one-time unlock of the full game with all ads removed that, similarly to Neon Chrome, will cost $9.99, but will be $4.99 for the first two weeks. 10tons says Neon Chrome did quite well for them, but they’re obviously willing to experiment and see what works on mobile. 10tons is also working on an Apple TV version, but it most likely won’t be available until after the January 12th launch.

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