Our replacement hosts did an amazing job last week keeping the podcast spice flowing, but this week we wrangle back the mics to get a … slightly more normal episode of the show on the books. With the new iPhone 7 being front and center this week, we spend most of the podcast chatting about the new iPhone, the headphone jack drama, the unbelievable reveal of Super Mario Run, and touch just a little bit on the new Apple Watch before briefly going over some games. Those games include, Atomic Super Lander ($2.99), Disco Dave (Free), Skyhill ($2.99), and Submerged: Miku and the Sunken City ($4.99). It’s a great time for everyone involved.
Don’t forget to shoot us emails with any questions, feedback, or anything else relevant or irrelevant to [email protected]. We read ’em all, and love decoding messages written entirely in emoji. As always, you can listen to us with the links below… And if you like what you hear, please subscribe and/or drop us a review in iTunes. Much appreciated!
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