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Steam Hit ‘Dungeon Warfare’ Will Give You Your ‘Dungeon Keeper’ Fix with No Free to Play Bullsh*t

dungeonwarfarelogoIn early 2014, EA released a revamped version of classic strategy title Dungeon Keeper (Free) on the App Store, and the results were not pretty. Actually, “not pretty" is putting it lightly. The game was absolutely massacred from pretty much everyone, including us. The funny thing is is that Dungeon Keeper was a pretty decent free to play base building game at its core, but when you associate it with a classic franchise like Dungeon Keeper you set certain expectations for existing fans, and the new Dungeon Keeper certainly didn’t deliver in that regard. Anyway, we haven’t seen too many people take a stab at the Dungeon Keeper formula on mobile, but two-man developer Valsar did try something similar on Steam last year with their game Dungeon Warfare, and as they’ve announced in our forums they’re bringing their game to iOS next week. Check out the awesome launch trailer for the Steam version of Dungeon Warfare.

Dungeon Warfare will include 26 different kinds of traps to place around your dungeon, each with 3 upgradeable tiers. It’s not just about surprising an invader with a spike pit or poisonous darts though, as you can be even more creative and lure them into the path of a busy mine cart track causing them to get run over, or unleash a massive boulder that’ll smash any invaders in its path. It sounds devious and delightful. iPhone and iPad gamers can look forward to Dungeon Warfare next week on August 17th at a price of $3.99, and you can find some discussion on the game right now in our forums. If you simply cannot wait until next week or you simply want to check this out on desktop, hit up the Steam page for Dungeon Warfare.

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