
‘True Skate’ Update to Bring Way Larger Courses, Improved Visuals, and More

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It’s no secret that I’m a True Skate ($1.99) addict. It’s my daily habit, and thankfully, I’ve been told it’s a lot healthier than smoking. This little skateboarding simulator has come a long, long way since its original release in the fall of 2012, and a constant flow of updates has added in lots of new courses and new features, making it easily the most robust skate simulator on the App Store. This Friday another new True Skate update is coming which introduces a couple of pretty big changes.

First and foremost, the team at True Axis have enabled an engine improvement that allows for much larger courses in the game, as well as much sharper textures. The first of these bigger courses will be the SLS Hangar which will feature all 4 of the 2012 SLS courses mashed together into one giant course. The SLS Hangar measures out at 5750 square meters in-game, which is more than double the size of any previously made courses. Here’s the SLS Hangar course in action.

In addition to the new park and new tech, True Axis has also made an improvement to how the Spin Cam works in the game. Previously, you’d hold down the Spin Cam button and your entire view would spin around until you let go. With the new Spin Cam, according to True Axis, “Advanced players can now flick the spin cam button up and down to spin the camera, then hold again to lock the camera to the board. Now players are able to turn into fakie/switch at any time." With the new SLS Hangar course, True Skate will now have 20 courses available in the game, and because of that they’ve streamlined the course management flow of the game so it’s easier to delete and re-download courses in case you want to free up some space. The new SLS Hangar course will cost $1.99, and a new 2015 SLS Course bundle will also be available for $1.99.

Finally, to celebrate the 2016 SLS World Tour contest happening in Munich this weekend, True Skate will be available to download for free starting this Friday. If you somehow haven’t picked this one up before, be sure to snag it while it’s free.

  • True Skate

    #1 game in 80 countries. Loved by millions of skateboarders all over the world. "True Skate is clearly something specia…
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