
‘Hearthstone’ Tavern Brawl is Live in NA, and Today Heroes Have Taunt

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 After giving us an older Hearthstone (Free) Tavern Brawl last week, this week the developers have decided to give us a new Brawl to play around with. Lead from the Front is all about Taunt, but, interestingly, not on minions but rather the Hero. While this idea sounds strange, the whole concept makes sense when you start playing the brawl. Each Hero starts with an extra 10 armor and Taunt, which means you can’t attack your opponent’s minions because you need to go face even if you don’t want to. What this mechanic means is this is a race to the face, which is why we get the armor boost. Keep in mind that if you give a minion Taunt (or if you play a Taunt minion), the opponent can still attack your hero. So, as you can imagine, many will bring a strong aggro deck and repeatedly hit face until they win.

When you’re building your deck, make sure you bring some good removal spells along because you won’t be able to mess with your opponent’s board without those. Some players are bringing Animated Armor to the Brawl (which you should too if you have it), so make sure you have at least one Ironbeak Owl to take care of that issue. If you want to irritate, bring a Reno Jackson along, since it’s easy to build a highlander deck when you don’t have to bother with controlling the board. Also, bring lots of buffs because it’s hard for your opponent to take out too many minions. Finally, build a Murloc deck if you can because they are all pretty cheap, the deck is really fast, they buff each other all the time, and they can hit hard.

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