If you like to play Wargaming.net’s fantastic World of Tanks Blitz, you’ve probably wondered how good you actually are. Are you actually the tank master you think you are when you get a couple of Sniper medals in a row, or are you more like the guy who always heads the wrong way and dies first? Well, Wargaming has decided to help you figure out exactly where you stand in the WOT Blitz universe by releasing the World of Tanks Blitz Assistant (Free) for iOS and Android. What is this newfangled assistant, you might ask. Well, think of it as an extension of the game’s stat keeping – which you can see in-game – but with an added social layer that makes checking your performance much more interesting than before.
The game already gives you plenty of stats (like number of battles, hit ratio, medals, etc) regarding your performance and allows you to look at other players’ stats, too.However, the Assistant makes it much easier to study your performance and way easier to see how good you really are. While the ability to check your stats without having to boot the game up is convenient, where the Assistant really shines is in the ability to compare all your stats with the stats of any other player on your server.
I pulled up my stats and compared it with my brother’s, and I could see how I had much better accuracy than he did but he tends to survive more battles than me. It’s fun seeing how different players have different play-styles or what types of tank trees they like to research. The app comes in 17 languages, is very nice and shiny, and it’s available now for free.