Hello Hearthstone (Free) players. I hope you’ve been enjoying the pleasantly-turbulent meta courtesy of the League of Explorers Adventure like I have. While I try to keep you informed about all the weekly news from the world of Hearthstone, for the next few weeks I’ll be unable to do so because I’ll be on a secret mission (vacation). With Christmas coming, I suspect the world of Hearthstone won’t be at its most active since we’ve already seen Blizzard’s Christmas present to us all (the Feast of Winter Veil) and there aren’t that many important tournaments coming up. I think that with LoE having shaken the meta as much as it did, this Christmas will be the best time for everyone to mess with those cards and come up with crazy fun decks; I know I will for sure. There are some Murlocs waiting for me and some other silly ideas that I’m looking forward to trying out.
Our weekly Hearthstone news column will return early January with what I’m sure will be a lot of news to talk about since the world of Hearthstone might slow down occasionally, but it doesn’t stop turning. Until then, I’m leaving you with a couple fun recent videos. One is an amazing Golden Monkey moment from Kibler’s stream, where you get to see the fun moments that RNG can bring to the game, and the other is Kripp’s 30 Legendary Deck, which demonstrates the ultimate pay-to-win deck (but does it actually win?). So, I wish you all a fantastic time and I’ll see you all in 2016 for some more Hearthstone news!