
New iPhone Games Coming Tonight: ‘Devouring Stars’, ‘Lifeline: Silent Night’, ‘Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy’ and Tons More

It’s Wednesday in December, which is arguably the most exciting time of the year for iOS gamers. Historically, iOS developers go crazy on getting their iOS games released on the App Store under the wire of the iTunes holiday freeze. If this is your first App Store holiday season, what basically happens is right around Christmas the whole App Store locks up. There won’t be any price changes, new featuring, new games, or anything else starting on the 22nd of December. The App Store as it is at the time of the freeze will be how it is until everyone comes back to work following Christmas on the 29th.

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Anyway, there’s a ton of games this week, and I’m sure this is barely scratching the surface as things get really ridiculous this time of year when it comes to game releases:

Stay tuned for our full roundup later this evening.