The developers over at TheCodingMonkeys have definitely made a name for themselves with the classic masterpiece Carcassone and the more recent Rules!, both of which are meticulously designed and expertly realized. Now, TheCodingMonkeys and the team behind Rules! are developing a promising interactive fiction game called One Button Travel. The details are still limited since we only have a trailer and a few hints, but we do know that you’ll explore strange new worlds and meet horned beasts, which sounds a bit Device 6 to me (and that’s a good thing). The game’s webpage is appropriately cryptic and witty, but it does give away that the game will come out for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, because who doesn’t want horned beasts on his or her phone, right?
The visuals look amazing and the whole weirdness of the trailer is right up my alley; give me some weird fictional worlds and daring ideas, and I’m in. The trailer actually reminds me of sci-fi movies like Total Recall and concepts like traveling via brain stimulation and virtual reality. In other words, cool stuff. Of course, I could be way off and the game will be nothing like what I’ve just described, but a man can occasionally speculate, right? I don’t actually have a specific release date, but the website uses the always convenient “coming soon." Well, intrigued, or do you think the trailer is trying too hard?