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‘Heroes Reborn: Enigma’ Brings the ‘Heroes’ Universe To Your Devices Next Week

Let’s get something out the way first: the first season of the TV show Heroes was great TV, especially for when it was made. Still, we can all agree that Hiro Nakamura should have jumped back in time and stopped the show before we got the rest of the seasons. Now, Heroes Reborn is attempting to capture the glory of the first season and help viewers forget the rest of the show ever happened. In an effort to capture the attention of gamers, Imperative Entertainment will release Heroes Reborn: Enigma next week, a mobile game based on the Heroes universe. In this upcoming first person action-puzzle game, you’ll play as Dahlia, a young EVO (evolved human) with the powers to (hopefully) solve puzzles and escape from The Quarry, a secret government facility.

The game’s story was written by Heroes creator Tim Kring and the writers of the Heroes Reborn TV show, which hopefully means that the show’s mood will carry over to the game. The game will have over 30 levels and you’ll get to master special powers such as Levitation and Time Shift. As you can see from the trailer, this doesn’t look like a money grab; after all, the Heroes franchise is at a place where it needs all the good publicity it can get if it’s going to persuade people to take a second look at it. The game should be coming out next week for mobile and tablet, so keep an eye out if you feel like being an EVO.

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