I do a lot of public speaking at, well, any vaguely relevant venue that people want me to come speak at. I’ve done presentations about mobile games in Asia, Europe, and all over the US… Including my own high school. I love helping developers out, and evangelizing mobile gaming as a platform, so it’s a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Anyway, this year at AltConf, the free conference that ran along side WWDC, I spoke about doing your own PR and marketing for your mobile games instead of dumping tons of cash on PR agencies and consultants.
If you want to watch my talk, either mash this link or click the above screenshot. It’s about 30 minutes long, as is a little abbreviated (I usually speak for an hour), but I hit most of the important stuff. Audio quality is a little weird, but you can get the gist of things. I love speaking at stuff like this, so if you’re putting on a similar event and want me there, all my personal contact info is here.
Oh, and it’s worth mentioning I’m not typically a sports mega-fan, but the Blackhawks were on the cusp of winning The Stanley Cup. Part of living in the Chicago area is being a fair-weather ultra-fan of local teams. The more you know!